Tutorial: How to write a VST2 plugin for 64bit DAW hosts without VSTGUI?
This is the first formal JUCE course I have ever seen and taking it cleared up many things. ' ' Thanks so much for creating this course! It is one-of-a-kind and super helpful for those getting started with the JUCE framework and developing audio plugins. In order to be able to create Symbolic Link on Windows you have to set the correct group policy, this will allow you to build the VST 3 plug-ins and create a symbolic link (cmake option SMTGCREATEPLUGINLINK) for each plug-in into the folder C: Program Files Common Files VST3. Tutorial: How to write a VST2 plugin for 64bit DAW hosts without VSTGUI? Aternatives: VST3 with VSTGUI. Or JUCE API OR WDL. What you need: Xcode WDL-OL RTAudio Purpose: 64bit and VST2 TODO - more content coming soon! Testing in the JUCE Audio Plugin Host is a good first step but it doesn’t really cover all environments. You’ll need to test in at least a handful of the top hosts on each platform you target. For example, the JUCE A.P.H. Doesn’t have any notion of a playhead so there are differences between hosts and the order they call things. Jacob Penn and Bruce Dawson of leading audio software company Output teach commercial audio software development, and how to make your own audio plugins read.
What you need:
- Xcode
- RTAudio
Purpose: 64bit and VST2
TODO – more content coming soon!
Vst Tutorial: http://dsptutorials.blogspot.de/2013/02/teile-eines-vst-plugins.html
VST Synth Tutorial: http://martin-finke.de/blog/articles/audio-plugins-002-setting-up-wdl-ol/
Complete guide for creating optimized VST2 plugin : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1294695/how-to-build-a-vst-plugin-with-osx-xcode?rq=1
C++ VST Plugin Tutorial: https://learnvst.wordpress.com/old-site/the-build-environment/building-using-command-line-based-tools/3-guis-and-vst-instruments/
Knobman: https://www.g200kg.com/jp/software/knobman.html
Skinman: https://www.g200kg.com/jp/software/skinman.html
Filter tutorial Biquad C++: http://www.earlevel.com/main/2012/11/26/biquad-c-source-code/
IPlig VST Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POP_z0dAn9c
Get older Xcode versions : https://developer.apple.com/download/more/?searchTextField=3.2.6| see m finke tutorial for extracting sdks
Juce – Noise synth tutorial: https://www.juce.com/doc/tutorial_simple_synth_noise
Juce VST Plugin tutorial: https://www.juce.com/doc/tutorial_create_projucer_basic_plugin
Programmieren in C++: http://www.highscore.de/cpp/einfuehrung/
VST Repo:
git clone –recursive https://github.com/steinbergmedia/vst3sdk.git
= ist eigentlich dasgleiche, was als Zip runtergeladen werden kann…
= keine Projekte mehr, diese müssen mit Cmake für jede Platform erstellt werden. Zumindest in Xcode funktioniert es. Leider ist jetzt jedes Beispiel Teil eines Gesamtprojektes …. nicht mehr wie früher separaiert ….
TODO Cmake auf CL einbinden (Pfad setzen?) -> ansonsten muss eben die Cmake-App genommen werden…
Also interesting:
Build the examples on Linux
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
Build the examples on macOS
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -GXcode ../
Build the examples on Windows
mkdir build
cd build
cmake.exe -G”Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64″ ../
msbuild.exe vstsdk.sln
wdl-ol-prepared => enthält das WDL SDK mit allen Einstellungen wie unten beschrieben ::
=> git clone https://github.com/olilarkin/wdl-ol.git
(VSTGUI geht nur mit VST3 und Vst3 wird nicht unter Reason unterstützt. VST2 SDK hat zwar auch schon VSTGUI aber setzt hier auf das Carbon Framework, das nur 32-bit kann, Reason braucht aber 64-bit, daher ist WDL-OL ganz gut, da das VST SDK ganz gut gekapselt ist und zudem ein eigenes GUI dabei ist, das noch besser und leichter aufgebaut ist)…
=> vstsdk367_03_03_2017_build_352
VST Order und ASIO ordner auffüllen (nur VST2 auffüllen, da wir ja kein VST3 machen wollen),
RtAudio (includes the ASIO SDK files we need – do we?) =>
Settings ändern, falls nötig: common.xcconfig ( build to system plugin folder = no write permission)
VST_FOLDER = ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
//VST_FOLDER = /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
//BASE_SDK = macosx10.5
Projekt clonen:
cd /Users/your_name/OneDrive/MacBook/RepoQiOO/ElcobitVSTKit/wdl-ol-prepared
cd IPlugExamples
./duplicate.py IPlugEffect/ YourVST2PluginProductName Elcobit
Xcode launchen via MyFirstElcPlugin.xcodeproj
Vst Plugin Maker
In Xcode
Select the APP Target VST2 -> My Mac 64bit wählen
Auf Project Head klicken -> Targets ALL -> Build Settings -> Architectures -> Latest MacOS
Could not launch Reaper ignorieren.
Stattdessen IDE öffnen, und voila Plugin is loaded (weil wir ja automatsich den default Ordner für VST2 angegeben haben)
Neues Plugin-Projekt:
=> dort ein Example Clonen mit py script – siehe pben – und den Ordner NICHT rauskopieren … dann habe ich ein eigenständiges VST2 Projekt muss allerdings im WDL Ordner bleiben wegen den gesamten Resourcen (unnötige kann ich aber löschen…)
cd /Users/your_name/OneDrive/MacBook/EigeneDateien/Dev/ElcobitVSTKit/wdl-ol-prepared/IPlugExamples
./duplicate.py IPlugMonoSynth/ GolemVst Elcobit
The CTAG-Drum-Sampler is a project which implements an Audio-Drum-Sampler-VST-Plug-in for Windows built within the JUCE Framework.
It was built as a term project for the Creative Technologies AG (CTAG) of the University of Applied Sciences Kiel.
Goal of the Project
The goal of this project was to design a sampler where the user can choose between 5 different modes (Chromatic, Minor, Major, Harmonic Minor and Melodic Minor).
When one mode is chosen, a sample can only be pitched within a given key. This feature gives the user the ability to pitch sounds within a specific key without knowing anything about music theory.
How To Use Vsts
Writing Vst Plugins
- Total of 9 Voices
- Each Voice has: ADSR-Volume-Envelope, Gain-Control, Pan-Control, Pitching, One-Pole-Filter, Wave-Shaper, Velocity Modulation for Amplitude and Filter Cutoff
- Choose between 5 different Drum-Kits with (Kick, Snare, Clap, Cl-Hat, Op-Hat, Tom, Perc, Ride, Crash)
- Drum Instruments arranged after General-Midi-Standard
- Choose between 5 different Modes and all Root Notes to choose your Scale
- Hi-Hat Choke Group to emulate real world drum behavior
How to use
For using the plug-in, you can choose between a standalone and a VST2 version of the Sampler (Both for Windows).
For both you have to place the given Samples folder into the users desktop directory, so that all samples can get loaded properly.
What Is A Vst Plugin
Niklas Wantrupp 2018