Free Mixer Modules Vst For Ardour

Download the Best Free Audio Plugins.VST, RTA´s, AudioUnits.Synths, Reverbs, Compressors.and much more. Just click and download. Free VST downloads: FabBass (Hofner violin bass by Samsara Cycle Audio) - Digital Nylon (Nylon guitar by TED) - Classic.Gtr (Spanish guitar by Quiet Music) - SuperRiff Bass (Bass guitar by SuperRiff) - Electrik GuitarZ (Electric guitar by DSK) - Strummer (Guitar strummer by Mildon) - SuperRiff Guitar (Electric guitar by SuperRiff) - BJAM (Strat. VST plugins are virtual instruments and audio effects for your digital audio workstation. There are literally hundreds of free VST plugins online nowadays, and finding good ones takes time. To help you focus on making music instead of testing audio plugins, we listed the best free. Ardour by Ardour is an Audio Plugin Host for macOS, Windows and Linux. It functions as a LADSPA Plugin. It can host VST Plugins, Audio Units Plugins, LADSPA Plugins and LV2 Plugins. Limiter №6 contains 5 unique modules modules: RMS compressor, peak limiter, high-frequency limiter, clipper, true peak limiter. A great all round limiter to use on something like a drum bus or even.

I cannot find libs/fst folder to put VST 2.3 SDK zip file. It’s in the directory where you untarred the ardour sources - there should be a libs directory there.

Plugins can be used to enhance or transform the sound of individualTracks.

They can be applied directly to a single track, or to a group of Tracks using a Send. Later inthis tutorial, we will discuss some Plugins specific to the Mixingprocess, such as Compressors, Limiters, ParametricEqualizers, Reverbs and others.

Processor Box

In Ardour terminology, a Processor is anything which gets pluggedinto a Mixer Strip, and treats the signal in some way. Ardour providesseveral built-in processors such as the Fader or Panners. Processors canalso be plugins used for effects or as instruments, as well as sends orinserts which affect signal routing. The arrangement of processors isarbitrary, and there is no limit to how many there can be.

The main space shown in the screenshot above is the Processor Box.The blue box Fader is in fact a Processor that comes by defaultinside the Processor Box. It represents the Fader that you use tocontrol the Track’s volume. All Processors are shown as coloredrectangles, with a small “LED” beside them that lights up when theprocessor is enabled. The colour of the processor depends on itslocation in the sequence; processors that are pre-fader are colored inred, and post-fader processors are colored green.

Free Mixer Modules Vst For Ardour Download

Adding a Plugin to a Track or a Bus

Plugins can be added by right-clicking in the Processor Box of the Trackor Bus. A menu of options is presented. From the menu, new processorscan be inserted.

The Plugin Manager is a convenient way to browse and choose plugins:

From the Plugin Manager, you can search them by Name, Type, or othersearch parameters available from the drop-down menu. For example, wewill add the reverb plugin called “Freeverb”:

Once selected, click “Add” and the plugin will show up in the bottomlist of “Plugins to be connected”. Then click “Insert Plugin(s)” andthey will show up in the Processor Box.

Editing Plugin Parameters

Double-click a Plugin to edit its parameters. In this example, we doubleclick the “Freeverb” green box and get this window:

Here you can control reverb parameters such as Room Size, Damping,amount of Wet and Dry signal, and Width. The effect will apply to allsounds contained in the Track.

Bypassing Plugins

To bypass the Plugin, press the Bypass button in the Plugin settingswindow, or simply click the “LED” of the plugin in the Processor Box.This turns the Plugin off and allows the signal to pass by itunaffected. This is useful when you want to compare how a track soundswith and without the plugin.

Bypassed Plugins are shown greyed out and with the “LED” turned off.

Right-Clicking the Plugins will give a menu with several options,including Delete.

Pre-Fader vs Post-Fader

You have a choice whether you would like to add your Plugin before orafter the Fader rectangle in the Processor Box. Pre-Fader Pluginsare inserted in the signal path before the Fader, so that the Fadercontrols the level of the signal coming out of the Plugin. Post-FaderPlugins are inserted after the Fader: the Fader controls the level ofthe signal going into the Plugin. For some Plugins, Pre- or Post-faderplacement does not matter. For others, the difference is subtle. Forothers still, inserting them in the right place is absolutely essential (for more details, see for example this thread at the Ardour discussion forum).

Plugin Formats

For those interested in learning more about plugin formats, here’s a quick overview:

LADSPA Plugins are the “native” Plugin format for Ardour. They wereinitially developed for Linux, but since have been ported to OS X aswell.

LV2 is a simple but extensible successor of LADSPA, which can beused to display sound characteristics in a graphical manner. LV2 Pluginscan be used on OS X and Linux.

AU Plugins are the “native” Plugin format for OS X. They will onlywork in Ardour if you have made a donation when you downloaded theprogram. See the Installing OS X chapter for details. AU Pluginswill not work on Linux at all.

VST Plugins is a Plugin format common to Microsoft Windows. SomeVST Plugins can be used on Linux, however they may not functioncorrectly, or even cause Ardour to crash. Using these Plugins requiresmanually Compiling the Ardour application, a task which is outsidethe scope of this manual.

Free Mixer Modules Vst For Ardour

More information about using plugins with Ardour can be found here:


In this chapter, we learned how to add a Plugin to a single Track. Thisis useful if that Track needs a specific Plugin, but if you have aPlugin which is used for many Tracks at the same time, you shouldcontinue to the next chapter about Using Sends. You can alsocontinue to the various, Plugin-specific chapters such as Dynamicsand Equalizing.


My earlier post detailed the steps for building Ardour with VST support, which was the first step in getting the dblue Glitch plug-in running on linux.

This plug-in brings the concept of effects sequencing to your host workstation, and provides an intriguing method for creating unusual sounds and rhythms. I find the interface intuitive, and the visual design is clean and well organized.

The plug-in and manual are available at:

I downloaded the file and extracted to my vst directory. In my case, with Ardour on Ubuntu 8.10, the vst plug-in location was /usr/lib/vst.

Now that the plug-in is copied to the appropriate directory, I launched the vst version of Ardour using the command ardourvst, opened the mixer, and added the plug-in to one track.

In order to work with Ardour, MIDI transport must be disabled in Glitch, as shown below:

Bass Module Vst

Disable MIDI transport

The 4 gray squares above, along with the step envelope setting still produce one output pulse for each step, shown in the sine_440_blank region shown in the tracks screenshot below.

Unfortunately, vst plug-ins are not able to track Ardour’s tempo map, which means the Glitch sequencer is free wheeling, and not in sync with Ardour.

VST Plug-in’s are not able to track tempo

I bounced the Glitch output to a file and imported that back into Ardour to determine the tempo of the output. The Glitch output appears to be 80 bpm default, though it is not in phase with Ardour since there is no sync. This is usable if you just chop up the output and re sync it to your project. I tried Ardour’s rhythm ferret, but the transients weren’t detected correctly.

This screen shot shows 3 output tracks from Glitch, which were adjusted on the timeline to start in sync. The source file is a 440 sine wave, shown on the bottom track.

Tracks Screenshot

Free vst mixer plugin

To give you an idea of how Glitch works, the Glitch settings for the sine_440_gater region are shown here.

Gater settings

The step envelope setting was increased to 2 steps, as shown below, to hear more of each effect. The result is shown in the sine_440_8617 region in the tracks screenshot.

Multiple effects setting 8617

Free Mixer Modules Vst For Ardour Beginners

Glitch is a great tool for creating new sounds, and even though the Glitch sequencer is not in sync with Ardour, it is easy to chop and re sync if needed.

Free Mixer Modules Vst For Ardour Mac

You will not be able to save presets in Glitch, so be sure and bounce your creations before closing Glitch.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.